M10+50 Soil Stabilizer

Enviroseal M10+50 is a high quality modified acrylic copolymer emulsion supplied in concentrate and diluted with water on the job site. Once applied the water evaporates and the M10+50 begins to change from a liquid to a solid, what remains is a tough and durable mass.

When used as a stabilizing binder, high unconfined compressive strength with increased bearing capacity, soil density, flexural strength, and impact resistance are achieved with minimal admix rates. Once cured M10+50 is impermeable making soils waterproof.

Topical application is simple and cost effective. When mixed with water and spray applied to a soil, M10+50 adsorbs the surface and binds to the soil particles. This forms a solid membrane that attaches to the soil particles and conforms to the gradation and contours. Repeated applications increase which has been shown to eliminate soil erosion from wind and rain.

M10+50 will

  • Increase CBR
  • Increase Density
  • Increase Flexural Strength
  • Increase Impact Resistance
  • Increase Unconfined Compressive Strength


  • 5-Gallon pails
  • 55-Gallon drums
  • 275-Gallon Totes

Environmental Statement
All Enviroseal products help reduce toxins that we contact in our everyday life. Our soil stabilization products can eliminate dust in the air we breathe and reduce soil runoff into our water systems. Our Low and Zero VOC sealers can help promote greener lifestyles when applied to surfaces we touch on a daily basis.
Enviroseal helps minimize impacts to the world we share.
Enviroseal Products Made In USA
Made in USA, click for details